Energy Security and Green Infrastructure Week from 6-10 November 2023 will shine a light on some of the key industry issues around how best to address climate change.
In what is being billed as the largest green infrastructure conference of its type, Energy Security and Green Infrastructure Week from 6-10 November 2023 is set to offer a focused, exclusive, online conference where attendees can hear from a wide range of experts sharing insight and commentary from academics, scientists, policy influencers, trade associations and solution providers.
Backed by government, the week is the UK’s official national awareness week for green infrastructure and energy security and includes a focused agenda around the key issues of climate leadership, energy economy and businesses and places. The event starts with a series of three Climate Perspectives interviews about leadership and why it matters in the fight against climate change.
The interviews on 7 November feature Zion Lights, founder of Emergency Reactor, Adrian Del Maestro, global energy advisory lead at AECOM and Tom Burke, co-founder and chair of the climate change think tank E3G.
A series of energy economy sessions on 8 November will look at how to deliver clean, secure and affordable energy for the rest of the century, what’s next for carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS) and also the topical issue of infrastructure resilience and how to secure green energy infrastructure against rising risks.
Online sessions on 9 November will address how to get the right public EV charging, in the right place while ensuring it is equitable, whether onsite power purchase agreements are right for businesses and EV fleets and also the ever-popular issue of natural capital and the importance of nature-based solutions in the response to climate change.
Speaking to Infrastructure Global about the event, Shawn Coles, managing director of the event organiser Binary Carbon, said: “Energy Security and Green Infrastructure Week will champion the need for further investment in green infrastructure. Through a comprehensive series of free-to-attend webinar sessions and keynote interviews, we hope to shine a light on the key issues around how best to address climate change, the key technologies and innovative solutions currently in play, all with the aim of helping stakeholders unlock the benefits of reaching net zero.”
Click here to find out more about Energy Security and Green Infrastructure Week and book free places.