Tag: Industry events
Global infrastructure industry to gather in Cape Town for major annual...
All eyes will be on Cape Town, South Africa, in September as the city hosts the 2025 FIDIC Global Infrastructure Conference.
Global consultancy and engineering sector leaders to meet at major Madrid...
International engineering federation FIDIC to host third annual global leadership summit in Madrid.
Global infrastructure professionals to gather in Geneva for annual FIDIC event
This year’s FIDIC Global Infrastructure Conference is set to attract more than 600 industry professionals to Geneva.
Key industry issues in the spotlight at flagship Geneva infrastructure conference
FIDIC’s annual global gathering in Geneva will discuss the issues that matter for the international engineering, construction and infrastructure community.
World currently underinvesting by $64 trillion in sustainable infrastructure, says FIDIC...
FIDIC’s CEO spells out a warning on infrastructure investment, speaking at an infrastructure conference in South Africa earlier this month.
Geneva to host annual global infrastructure industry gathering in September
Bookings are now open for the annual FIDIC Global Infrastructure Conference which takes place in Geneva from 8-10 September 2024.
Bentley to discuss ‘Accelerating to Infrastructure Intelligence’ at flagship infrastructure event...
Bentley to discuss ‘Accelerating to Infrastructure Intelligence’ at flagship infrastructure event in Singapore.
Singapore set to host transforming infrastructure performance summit
Industry summit in Singapore to highlight how data and digital technology can transform project delivery and help industry drive better social and economic outcomes.